Yesterday I did not really think it was that cold.  The temperature was moderate and a lite coat was perfect.  However as I was driving across the Hay flats I noticed many of the ponds just before the Knik river were frozen.

This is a sign that we will see colder weather soon.  Most lakes have not froze yet, although just the other night I thought I saw some ice creeping out from the shore.  So it is time to get winter ready.  If you are new to Alaska, remember to take the hose off the faucet.  This will keep you Hose bib from freezing over the winter.  Put up all tools and if you have fragile out door plants get them covered up with leaves or burlap bags.

Clean up all the toys and tools that may still be out there, they could disappear over night under a blanket of white not to be seen for months.  Also get you winter tires on.  The roads will be slick in the morning.  So slow down and be safe.

Everyone have a great day and don't forget to close your basement vents (very important).