Strategic Action plans FY2009
Each objective will have definite timelines as well as complete steps to completion
1.       Objective #1 is to maintain an operating budget of 10% or less throughout the year.
a.        Cut extravagant advertising purchases
                   i.      Keep all advertising expenditures to minimal cost
                   ii.      Use budgeted monies in a broad manner vs. larger purchases
                   iii.      80% of advertising budget will be spent in online advertising
b.       Minimize large scale print advertising
                   i.      Co-op some of print advertising with other parties
                   ii.      Better negotiating; obtaining lower costs or increased frequency     

2008 is drawing to a closeand for the last month I have been analyzing what worked and what did not.  I believe the first ten months of this year were pretty good, the last two, not so good.  I like most people, think that while it wasn’t as good as previous years, it was still a decent year.
I was successful, and helped others obtain their goals.  Not all goals were obtained; and there is much to work on in the coming year.  This last week I finished my 2009 Business Plan.  I was honest with myself and took a hard look at what I accomplished in 2008, and what still lies ahead.  I think in 2009 it’s going to be difficult to gain any type of positive traction.  I believe that there will be many unexpected hurdles and the national news will affect our market more than it should. I know that I will have to work smart to obtain my goals.
I have much work planned for the coming year.  I need to implement my action plans as soon as possible; and I need to keep my nose to the grind stone and make things happen quickly.  I want to enjoy my summer; as that is one of my goals.  I have already started some of the tasks needed.
How about you?  Did you review last year’s plan, and did you accomplish your goals?  Keeping to a plan is difficult under normal circumstances, and under last year’s tumultuous events, it was darn near impossible.  For those of you that did not have a written plan then maybe you did ok, although you flew by the seat of your pants, did you really have a successful year, as successful as it should have been?
2009 will have its ups and down, but I am ready for them.  I will stick to my plan, and make the necessary adjustments throughout the year. 
Will you?
Here is a portion of my business plan.  This is the first action item I have, and I will be adding to it.